Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Caring & Sharing

Every time I get complacent, the Universe cuffs me 'upside the head. Last night I had one of those reminders. I had an unpleasant experience on the Etsy forums last night. Someone took exception to some things I had listed, and the reasons why I listed them. It was very upsetting for me. It felt like a personal attack, and those of you who know me know that I don't do very well with things like that. But that isn't why I'm writing about this. I'm writing because of what I feel came out of the whole thing for me.

I have always said that I am so incredibly lucky because I have a FANTASTIC close community of friends, and friends that are like family. You know who you are!!::insert your picture here::
It's a rare thing- this community of mine! It's hard to express just what it means to me.

I have been a member of Etsy for the past six months. I have started to build community there with some of the buyers and sellers that frequent my shop, the Treasury and the Forums. I always try to keep my head above the fray in the forums, give as much information to those who ask me questions about my products, and give encouragement to those who seem to need it at any given time, in the forums, and directly thru email. I do this because it seems like it's the right thing to do. I'm big on doing the right thing for others (I'm still learning to do it for myself).

Well, I got a reminder last night that there are others like myself out there on Etsy. I received emails of support from several people after the flaming forum posting went up, and they helped me so much! This new community in my life is such an unexpected joy, a bonus of joining Etsy!
So, many thanks to those of you who sent your support! It means so much and really did help me feel better again about what I'm doing on Etsy.

Tomorrow night is the full Moon! I think that I will use this opportunity to do a little ritual. Being that the moon is full, it seems like a good time to acknowledge all this good energy in my life. I'll light a candle for my friends, sending positive energy out to them and the Universe.
Goddess knows, we all need it!

Brightest blessings to you all!

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