Monday, January 29, 2007

Walking on Water

Now, isn't that quite the trick for a witch? We are supposed to sink, aren't we? I suppose that I should clarify;
I've been walking on ICE Water! :0)

Lake Mattawa is finally frozen. Yesterday was a bright, sunny, and even sort of a warm day, so I went walking out on the lake. Not to worry, there's about 7 inches of ice on it! The ice fishermen were out in force, but only a few fish were to be had. I saw one man who had caught a small salmon, at about 2.5 pounds. Other than that there wasn't much going on out there. Sure, everyone was having fun, but not with the fish!

The element of water corresponds to the Western direction. Water rules our emotions, and is the element most closely related to LOVE. And how important is that? Well, everything is based on Love ~ all that we do, and all that is magick, or Universal. Water is purifying and healing. We are made out of mostly water. I don't know anyone who doesn't like to listen to the tides rolling in, or a babbling brook. These are so soothing to us, because we are a part of it. The gateway of the West is also where we turn to honor those who passed from this life. Learning to trust our intuition is to learn to work with this element. The following lists just a few of the many correspondences to element of Water and the direction of West:

  • Color ~ Blue
  • Astrological signs ~ Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer
  • Metals ~ Silver, Copper
  • Herbs ~ most flowers such as Roses (love), waterlilies, horsetail
  • Planetary ~ Moon
  • Animals ~ Bear, Raven, Dolphin, Whale, Heron, Frog
  • Tree ~ Willow
There are so many associations with the element of water. Too many to list them all here. There are a couple of books that are really good for learning about the elements and directions. Scott Cunningham's Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Amber Wolfe's In the Shadow of the Shaman. Both are good to have on hand for reference, but also have nice exercises and rituals, as well.

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